Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Will Christ Return In 2007?

I am still thinking of that poll I read a few days ago in USA News. One out of four Americans expect Christ to return in 2007. While I know that there is a religious element in this nation I had not idea that it is such a large contingent. I'm wondering if the respondents feel that things are really that bad in this society. I also wonder what they believe will happen when Christ returns. Do they have an idea of what Christ is like or is He just a name to them? Will His coming solve the problems of this world or will the Christ they are expecting just wafted them away to Never, Never Land? What does he expect of His followers? Are they expected to prepare in some way for His coming? Does 2007 mark the end of the world?
If He is returning in 2007 as 25% of those polled believe these are important questions. In my search for answers I went to the Holy Bible. In the Matthew chapter 24 starting in verse 3 I see where Jesus's disciples came to Him privately and asked, "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Curiously the first thing He says it that many Christians will be deceived by false teachers of Christ. After religious deception He goes on to tell them of world conditions. There will be wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes in various places. He goes on to say that His follower will be hated and killed. He warns of false prophets and lawlessness. He also tells them that the gospel (the good news) of the kingdom will be told to the world.
If I understand it correctly these events have been happening in every generation since His first appearance. Why will this time be different? Well, I got my answer in verse 22. He says that unless those days be shortened no flesh would be saved alive or no flesh would survive, depending on which bible translation you are using. It wasn't until some time in the late fifty's that mankind had developed the power to destroy all life from this planet. So that kind of narrows the time frame down to the present generation. So could the 25% of those polled be right? And if not in 2007, when?

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