Friday, January 12, 2007

Raising The Ruins

What with all the chatter going on in a number of blogs and web sites about Herbert W. Armstrong brought on by the book Raising The Ruins by Stephen Flurry I got to researching some of H.W. Armstrong's writings.

I've just finished reading his book The United States and Britain In Prophecy. Let me tell you, this book and his other book Mystery of The Ages has opened up the Bible to me. I am now able to understand many of the prophecies in it. I can see where so much of what is happening on the International scene today has been foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago. Armed with this knowledge I see currant news reports in a whole new light. Many are no longer isolated incidence's they form a pattern and reveal a direction. Now I can see that there is a strong hand guiding events and that all this mess the world has gotten itself into is being worked out for the good of mankind.

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